FUPANAZ families thanking LLFH for their support.

Soy Alex David Tejada tengo 6 años y llevo un año en FUPANAZ. Me encanta aprender jugando con todos los materiales que nos donan. Los disfruto al máximo, muchas gracias por ayudarnos. Dios nos ama a través de personas como ustedes. Lo que hacen…

Soy Alex David Tejada tengo 6 años y llevo un año en FUPANAZ. Me encanta aprender jugando con todos los materiales que nos donan. Los disfruto al máximo, muchas gracias por ayudarnos. Dios nos ama a través de personas como ustedes. Lo que hacen sin conocernos es grandiosos, es humano, es Amor. Personas como ustedes cambian al mundo. Una abrazo fuerte.

I am Alex David Tejada. I am 6 years old and have been 1 year in FUPANAZ.  I love to learn through playing with the materials you have donated to us.  I enjoy it so much, thanks for helping us. God loves us through people like you all.  What you all do without knowing us is grandiose, human, and above all is love.  People like you change the world. I am sending you a big hug.

Soy Mathias Quintini y me gusta preparar pan en la panadería de FUPANAZ.I am Mathias Quintini and I like to prepare bread in FUPANAZ bakery.

Soy Mathias Quintini y me gusta preparar pan en la panadería de FUPANAZ.

I am Mathias Quintini and I like to prepare bread in FUPANAZ bakery.

Yo soy Daniel Rivas y me gusta poder asistir a FUPANAZ  para aprender de La Enseñanza Estructurada y habilidades de la vida diaria.  Gracias, estoy muy agradecido por las becas estudiantiles que hemos recibidos los 2 últimos años.I am Dani…

Yo soy Daniel Rivas y me gusta poder asistir a FUPANAZ  para aprender de La Enseñanza Estructurada y habilidades de la vida diaria.  Gracias, estoy muy agradecido por las becas estudiantiles que hemos recibidos los 2 últimos años.

I am Daniel Rivas and I like attending FUPANAZ to learn from the Structured Teaching Program and The Life Skills Program. Thanks, I am grateful for the scholarships you have given us these past 2 years.

New York Life Sponsorship for 2017-2018

Thanks to the awesome work of New York Life's staff we received a generous gold sponsorship of $828. 

Gracias al excelente trabajo realizado por el personal de New York Life, recibimos un generoso patrocinio de $838.  

New York Life Team:  Marlene Machado, Patricia Clark, Linda Konarik, Margarita Villafranca & Judimar Olivares.

New York Life Team:  Marlene Machado, Patricia Clark, Linda Konarik, Margarita Villafranca & Judimar Olivares.

Yanet Villareal, Roxana Garcia-Fossi, Nelly Siu (LLFH), Marlene Machado, Patricia Clark, Linda Konarik and Judimar Olivares (New York Life). 

Yanet Villareal, Roxana Garcia-Fossi, Nelly Siu (LLFH), Marlene Machado, Patricia Clark, Linda Konarik and Judimar Olivares (New York Life). 

Patricia Lamb from LLFH receiving New York Life sponsorship of $828. 

Patricia Lamb from LLFH receiving New York Life sponsorship of $828. 

Technical, Audio Visual, Translation and Announcer Support

We would like to thank Alexis Sulbarán, Graciela Socorro, Carlos Pineda, Steven Sladic and Stephen Altemus for their invaluable support of our annual fundraising event.  

Estamos sumamente agradecidos a Alexis Sulbarán, Graciela Socorro, Carlos Pineda, Steven Sladic y Stephen Altemus por el apoyo recibido durante nuestro evento anual de caridad.  

Stephen in Glasses.png
Steven Sladic

Steven Sladic

LLFH Brunch 2017 at Royal Oaks Country Club

Elida Marroquin, one of our members, visited FUPANAZ

Elida Marroquin, visited FUPANAZ on november 29, 2016. She had the opportunity to meet representatives of this Foundation and to spend time with the children.

Elida Marroquin in the Psichology Department with representatives from FUPANAZ, from right to left: Betty Piña, Treatment Program Coordinator,  Omaira Cañizalez, Care Program Coordinator, Celaisi Ortega de Gonzalez, Administrative Cou…

Elida Marroquin in the Psichology Department with representatives from FUPANAZ, from right to left: Betty Piña, Treatment Program Coordinator,  Omaira Cañizalez, Care Program Coordinator, Celaisi Ortega de Gonzalez, Administrative Council member and autism student's mother.


With children who play structured games activities which help them to develop social skills.

With children who play structured games activities which help them to develop social skills.

In the Kitchen with high level fuctioning chidren making cupcakes. 

In the Kitchen with high level fuctioning chidren making cupcakes. 

With student's mothers.

With student's mothers.

Andrea Valles. First Solo Concert at Ragu & Pesto Cafe Concert, December 15/2016

Young Venezuelan singer Andrea Valles' First Solo Concert at Ragu & Pesto Cafe Concert will benefit LLFH/Primer Concierto como solista de la joven Venezolana Andrea Valles en Ragu & Pesto beneficiara a LLFH.

We are so grateful to Andrea and her mom, Helen Gonzalez Cruces, for their generosity and thoughtfulness. Their kind contribution will be used for the charities that we are supporting this year: WHAM in Houston and FUPANAZ, PL Fundation Reto & CENDISOL in Venezuela. Estamos sumamente agradecidas a Andrea y su mama, Helen Gonzalez Cruces, por su consideracion y generosidad. La contribucion recibida sera utilizada para continuar apoyando nuestras obras de caridad: WHAM in Houston y FUPANAZ , PL Fundation Reto y CENDISOL en Venezuela.

Andrea, all LLFH members wish you great success! Los miembros de LLFH te desean mucho exito! 

5th Anniversary Celebration at Royal Oaks Country Club on Oct. 13, 2016: Special Thanks!. Nuestro 5to Aniversario: Agradecimiento muy especial!

First of all, We wish to acknowledge and thank the following four individuals that contributed with their time to our brunch. The success of our event is largely due to their help. Thank you so much!
Ante todo, deseamos agradecer a las siguientes cuatro personas quienes nos donaron su tiempo para hacer de nuestro evento todo un exito. Muchisimas gracias!


Alexis Sulbaran, photography and video. shown here with wife Carolina, LLFH member.

Alexis Sulbaran, photography and video. shown here with wife Carolina, LLFH member.

Carlos Pineda, entertainer & music master.

Carlos Pineda, entertainer & music master.

Graciela Socorro, Audiovisual support.

Graciela Socorro, Audiovisual support.

Steven Sladic, guest speaker and photography assistant.

Steven Sladic, guest speaker and photography assistant.