Silent Auction, October 13/2016

Next Thursday, LLFH will be celebrating its 5th anniversary with a breakfast at Royal Oaks Country Club from 9.30 a.m to 1:30 pm. To purchase tickets please contact Ana Larrazabal, 
mobile 832-675-1152.  
We will have fabulous raffles and our exclusive auction.

These are some of the artwork and items to be autioned:


       Painting by Mericia Pachano

       Painting by Mericia Pachano

          Plexiglass artwork by Lorena Morales                        

          Plexiglass artwork by Lorena Morales

        Contemporary Totem          by Raquel Ocando                     

        Contemporary Totem  
        by Raquel Ocando                     

Limited digital print by Luisa Duare                                        

Limited digital print by Luisa Duare                                        

        Solange Rincon Donation

        Solange Rincon Donation

                                Aldo Storey print donated by Carlos & Emperatriz Conejo                      &…

                                Aldo Storey print donated by Carlos & Emperatriz Conejo

                                                           Photograph by Carlos Ocando

                                                           Photograph by Carlos Ocando

Sculpture print by Rosibel Ramirez                    

Sculpture print by Rosibel Ramirez                    

Necklace by Mariu Rios   

Necklace by Mariu Rios   

Wood Sculpture  by Guida Ibanez donated by Mariu Rios

Wood Sculpture  by Guida Ibanez donated by Mariu Rios

Gress flower vase by Ana Carrillo             

Gress flower vase by Ana Carrillo


 Patriotic Venezuelan Hat                     donated by Steven Sladic 

 Patriotic Venezuelan Hat                     donated by Steven Sladic

    Carolina Vengoechea Donation

    Carolina Vengoechea Donation

Necklace and boxby Solange Rincon 

Necklace and box
by Solange Rincon


Pewter embossed candle   by Patty Piller               

Pewter embossed candle   
by Patty Piller               

         Colorido Arte Donation

         Colorido Arte Donation

Gress decorative piecesby Ana Carrillo

Gress decorative pieces
by Ana Carrillo

    Wood Sculpture by Neisa Guerra

    Wood Sculpture by Neisa Guerra

     Japanese serving plates donated          by Tinin de la Cruz

     Japanese serving plates donated
         by Tinin de la Cruz

 Pewter Salad serving setdonated by Tinin de la Cruz

 Pewter Salad serving set
donated by Tinin de la Cruz

Handmade Venezuelan Nativity by Irene Kovacs

Handmade Venezuelan Nativity by Irene Kovacs

Our Father Prayer in wood carving

Our Father Prayer in wood carving

Bindu Terra by Graciela Socorro

Bindu Terra by Graciela Socorro

Chinchorro Wayuu donated by Carolina Moros 

Chinchorro Wayuu donated by Carolina Moros 

Bed Bath & Beyond gift card donated by Kyle M. Linder 

Bed Bath & Beyond gift card donated by Kyle M. Linder 

Ana Larrazabal interviewed by Mujeres de Fe International on August 4, 2016

Our General Director, Ana Larrazabal, was invited to the TV program Mujeres de Fe International in Miami, FL to talk about Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston.

Blanquita Houtmann from Mujeres de Fe, Ana Larrazabal, LLFH General Director, and Marianela Viso from Mujeres de Fe on August 4, 2016.The interview was accessible worldwide through the website: and

Blanquita Houtmann from Mujeres de Fe, Ana Larrazabal, LLFH General Director, and Marianela Viso from Mujeres de Fe on August 4, 2016.

The interview was accessible worldwide through the website: and

PL Fundacion RETO

LLFH sends heartfelt congratulations to all PL Fundacion RETO players for such a successful season!
LLFH les envia la mas calurosa felicitacion a todos los jugadores de la Fundacion PL Fundacion RETO por el exito alcanzado en la temporada 2015-2016!

Please, join us to celebrate the end of our baseball season 2015-2016 on july 23,2016 from  8 am to 12m at Facultad de Ingenieria. University of Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Save the date

Thursday, October 13th, 2016
Breakfast 9:30 am. to 1:30 pm.
Royal Oaks Country Club. Fleur de Lis Room
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive
Houston, Texas 77082
Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston invites you to celebrate our 5thAnniversary to collect donations and raise funds to support our projects for 2016. 

 WHAM, West Houston Assistance Ministries, organization that provides services, living essentials and support to neighbors in need.
FUPANAZ, Foundation for children, adolescents and young adults with autism of Zulia State located in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
PL RETO Foundation, a Baseball Challenger League dedicated to the training of children and young people with disabilities, located in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
CENDISOL, Foundation that works to enhance the cultural and artistic development of the underprivileged community at Barrio El Marite. Located in Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Invitations are available now for $ 45.00. You will participate in door raffles and our second silent auction.
For tickets please contact Beatrice Cozzariat 713-885-7100 or Janette Orr at 281-361 5729.
You can also renew  your  LLFHmembership by  contacting Sol Gardner  at 832-692-7827 or Jenny Hampton at 713-397-1329.
Your generosity and tax deductible contribution makes a big difference and allows the Foundation to continue with its charitable work.
You are invited to watch LLFH Luncheon 2015 in:
 Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston

Save the date

Jueves 13 de Octubre, 2016
Desayuno de 9:30 am. a 1:30 pm.
Royal Oaks Country Club
2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive. Salón Fleur de Lis
Houston, Texas 77082
Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston tiene el gusto de invitarles a celebrar nuestro 5to.  Aniversario para recaudar fondos y seguir apoyando nuestros proyectos de caridad correspondientes al año 2016.

WHAM, West Houston Assistance Ministries para personas sin techo y de bajos recursos.
FUPANAZ, Fundación para niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos con autismo del Edo. Zulia, ubicada en Maracaibo, Venezuela.

PL RETO, Fundación dedicada a la formación de niños y jóvenes con discapacidad en el deporte del beisbol, ubicada en Maracaibo, Venezuela.
CENDISOL, Fundación dedicada a impulsar programas de capacitación laboraly cultural en el barrio El Marite, ubicada en Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Las entradas ya están a la venta a un costo de $ 45.00 por persona.
Además del desayuno tendrán la oportunidad de participar en nuestras rifas. También tendremos nuestra segunda subasta silenciosa.
Interesados enasistir favor contactar a Beatrice Cozzarial 713-885-7100 ó a Janette Orr al 281-361-5729.
Si desean renovar su membresía 2016pueden contactar a Sol Rincón al
832-692-7827 ó Jenny Hampton al 713-397-1329.
Gracias a su generosidad y a su contínua contribución, la cual es deducible del impuesto sobre la renta, podemos crecer y dar mayor alcance a nuestras obras de caridad.
Las invitamos a ver el video del almuerzo de LLFH 2015 en:
Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston

Ana Larrazabal visited FUPANAZ

Our General Director, Ana Larrazabal visited FUPANAZ on May 2, 2016 and had the opportunity to meet several representatives of this foundation. During their meeting, they reviewed the educational and support material sent in April of this year.

Ana Larrazabal and two mothers from FUPANAZ

Ana Larrazabal and two mothers from FUPANAZ

Ana Larrazabal with representatives from FUPANAZ: Omaira Canizales, Special Programs Director, Betty Pina, Curriculum Director, therapist and parents.

Ana Larrazabal with representatives from FUPANAZ: Omaira Canizales, Special Programs Director, Betty Pina, Curriculum Director, therapist and parents.

2016 Thank you letter/ Carta Agradecimiento

Dear Members and Friends of LLFH,                                               
April 2016
We have completed our fourth year of operations as a charitable non-profit organization!
We celebrated our Annual LLFH Fundraising Luncheon in October 2015 at Safari Texas Ranch with excellent attendance. It was a great event, but most importantly, we collected the necessary funds to support our planned charitable projects for the 2015/2016 operating year.

Our special gratitude goes out to Rudy Export Houston, Activest Wealth Management, Pane e Vino Restaurant, Mabel Maldonado & Associates, Alcuin, Monty Orr Photography, Petroleum Magazine, Capitas en Houston, Texas Sage Properties, Carlos Ocando Photography, Star Party Planner, Westside Powder Coating, HEB, Yalicsa Williams, A&B Day Spa, HMMC, E-Pay Systems LLC, Leticia Yee REMAX and Leonardo Martínez Attorney for their sponsorships and to María José Shipley, Montero Guzmán Family, Bettencourt Family, Nemeth Family, Miguel Divincenzo, CiCi Sladic, Martha Hofle, Miriam Carbonell- CARPEN, Barbara Hampton, Charles Miller- IDB Bank, Isabel Rincón and Robert & Virginia Warnsman for their individual contributions. We could not have conducted the luncheon without your support. Thank you all for your LLFH patronage.

As a result of all your donations, LLFH was able to fund the two main charitable projects for 2015: We donated $4,500 in hygiene and personal care goods to West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) and $4,800 in educational and support material to implement Phase III of the Structured Teaching Program to the Peter Alexander Foundation for Children and Adolescents with Autism of Zulia State (FUPANAZ).
Additionally, we were able to fund two other projects in Maracaibo, Venezuela for the second time this year: The Art & Culture Program for CENDISOL with a donation of $250 and another donation of $250 to P.L. Fundación Reto to sponsor the transportation for the members of this foundation to interleague friendly baseball games.

The success of our fundraising can only be attributed to the contributions of donors like you. Thanks for your support of our vision to make a difference in our local and international communities.


Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston

Estimados Miembros y Amigos de LLFH,                                               

Abril 2016
Nos es grato anunciarles que hemos completado nuestro cuarto año de operaciones como una Organización de Caridad sin Fines de Lucro!

En Octubre del 2015, celebramos nuestro Almuerzo Anual LLFH para la recaudación de fondos en Safari Texas Ranch contando con una excelente asistencia. Fué un evento maravilloso, pero lo más importante es que logramos recaudar los fondos necesarios para apoyar nuestros proyectos de caridad previstos para el año 2015/2016.

Nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a Rudy Export Houston, Activest Wealth Management, Pane e Vino Restaurant, Mabel Maldonado & Associates, Alcuin, Monty Orr Photography, Petroleum Magazine, Capitas en Houston, Texas Sage Properties, Carlos Ocando Photography, Star Party Planner, Westside Powder Coating, HEB, Yalicsa Williams, A&B Day Spa, HMMC, E-Pay Systems LLC, Leticia Yee REMAX y Leonardo Martínez Attorney por su patrocinios y a María José Shipley, Familia Montero Guzmán, Familia Bettencourt, Familia Nemeth, Miguel Divincenzo, CiCi Sladic, Martha Hofle, Miriam Carbonell- CARPEN, Barbara Hampton, Charles Miller- IDB Bank, Isabel Rincón y Robert & Virginia Warnsman porsus donaciones particulares. No hubiésemos podido llevar a cabo éste almuerzo sin su gran apoyo. Gracias a todos por sus generosas contribuciones!

Como resultado de sus donaciones, LLFH logró financiar las dos campañas principales para el año 2015: donamos $4.500 en productos de higiene y cuidado personal a West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) y $4,800 en material educativo y de apoyo para la implementación de la Fase III del Programa de Enseñanza Estructurada a la Fundación Peter Alexander para Niños y Jóvenes con Autismo del Estado Zulia (FUPANAZ).

Además, éste año hicimos una segunda donación al programa Arte y Cultura de CENDISOL por un monto de $250. También donamos $250 a P.L. Fundación Reto para cubrir los gastos de transporte de sus miembros a eventos deportivos amistosos con otras ligas de béisbol.  

El éxito de nuestra Fundación sólo se debe a las contribuciones de personas generosas como Ustedes. Gracias por apoyar nuestra visión de hacer una diferencia en nuestras comunidades tanto local como internacionalmente.



Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston

WHAM Volunteer Luncheon

 Volunteer Luncheon at Grace Presbyterian Church on April 27.

Volunteer Greetings

Volunteer Greetings

Verita Dunca- WHAM, Solange Rincon- LLFH, Sonya Scott- OM-WHAM, Jenny Hampton- LLFH  

Verita Dunca- WHAM, Solange Rincon- LLFH, Sonya Scott- OM-WHAM, Jenny Hampton- LLFH  

At the Luncheon

At the Luncheon

Solange Rincon- LLFH, Sonya Scott- Operations Manager WHAM & Ligia Sladic- LLFH

Solange Rincon- LLFH, Sonya Scott- Operations Manager WHAM & Ligia Sladic- LLFH

Fupanaz Project 2015/2016

Phase III: Educational and support material for independent functioning.
Thank you to RUDY EXPORT-Houston!

9 boxes containing the donation arrived at FUPANAZ in Maracaibo, Venezuela on April 22.

Thank You Letter / Carta De Agradecimiento Almuerzo 2015

We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heart felt thanks to you for attending the Latin Ladies Foundation of Houston Charity event held on October 8th., 2015.  and most importantly, we want to thank you for your kind donation.
Your contribution was a big addition to the funds we raised. We exceeded our initial expectations raising $13,000 at the 2015 Luncheon. These proceeds will be directed exclusively to the Foundations we annually support:  our local project West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) and FUPANAZ, PL Fundacion RETO y CENDISOL, all these three located in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Also we would like to welcome our 2015 new members and thank our returning members as part of our mission, which is to serve others.

Nos es grato dirigirnos a ustedes con el fin de transmitirles nuestro más caluroso agradecimiento por su asistencia al evento anual de LLFH, el cual se efectuó el 8 de Octubre, 2015 y también, muy importante, por su donación.
Gracias a sus generosas donaciones logramos superar nuestras expectativas iniciales logrando recaudar $13,000 en el Almuerzo LLFH 2015.    Estos fondos serán dirijidos exclusivamente a las obras de caridad que apoyamos anualmente: nuestro proyecto local West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) y a FUPANAZ, PL Fundación RETO y CENDISOL, éstos tres ubicados en Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Así mismo, nos gustaría dar la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos miembros del 2015 y agradecer a los miembros que renovaron su Membresía y ahora forman parte de nuestra hermosa obra que es servir a otros.
Miembros Generales / General Members 2015:
Aida Rincón
Belkis Fuentes
Carlos Guedez
Carmen Crenshaw
Carolina Waters
David Hampton
Francis Espinosa
Heather Majewski
Isabel de Gibitin
John Sladic
Karina Villasmil
Lida Rutledge
Lisbet Willis
Lorena Morales
Maritza Márquez
Mayela Pereira
Miguel Rivas
Monty Orr
Paola Sargent
Patricia Barany
Rosibel Ramírez
Sonia Peña
Tanya Klein
Víctor Uribe
Vilma Giraldez
Virginia de La Peña
Yalicsa Williams
Yaunacellys Remy Maillet
Ysa Stewart

Gratitude / Agradecimiento

We are happy with the results on this year event!

Thank you all for the support that we received for the Silent Auction and Raffles:

Aldo Storey, Mericia Pachano, Carolina Buitrago, Raquel Ocando, Mariu Ríos, Sol Rincon, Carolina Gracia Moros, Nelson Vilchez, Neisa Guerra, Lorena Morales, Luisa Duarte, Araya Artisan Chocolate, Monty Orr, Tinin de la Cruz, Carolina Otero, Sandra Salazar, Carlos Ocando, Graciela Socorro de Ocando, María Clara Caldera-Piller, Patty Piller, Jenny Hampton, Carolina Vengoechea, Paola Sargent, Salon Fígaro, North Salon Spa, Mary Cruz Rodriguez, Vicky Lynn's, Helen González, Alira Salon & Spa y HEB.

We also want to Extend our gratitude to the guest artists Inés María Bravo, Jorge Polanco y Nicolas Real during our event.


Muy felices de los resultados de nuestro evento anual !

Gracias, gracias, muchísimas gracias a todos los que nos apoyaron con sus donaciones de obras, certificados, regalos para nuestra subasta silenciosa y rifas.

Aldo Storey, Mericia Pachano, Carolina Buitrago, Raquel Ocando, Mariu Ríos, Sol Rincon, Carolina Gracia Moros, Nelson Vilchez, Neisa Guerra, Lorena Morales, Luisa Duarte, Araya Artisan Chocolate, Monty Orr, Tinin de la Cruz, Carolina Otero, Sandra Salazar, Carlos Ocando, Graciela Socorro de Ocando, María Clara Caldera-Piller, Patty Piller, Jenny Hampton, Carolina Vengoechea, Paola Sargent, Salon Fígaro, North Salon Spa, Mary Cruz Rodriguez, Vicky Lynn's, Helen González, Alira Salon & Spa y HEB.

También queremos agradecer a los artistas invitados que amenizaron nuestro evento:

Inés María Bravo, Jorge Polanco y Nicolas Real.